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Podcast Recommendations (Podroll)

Have you ever wanted to recommend podcasts to your listeners through your podcast? Well, now you can! Buzzsprout's new Podroll tool will allow you to include podcast recommendations within your Buzzsprout website and RSS feed. Podroll recommendations are powerful because you get to control what podcasts you recommend!

Adding Podroll Recommendations

Adding a Podroll to your podcast is very easy and you can recommend as many shows as you want! 

Just follow these steps: 
  1. Log into your Buzzsprout Account
  2. Head to your Podcast Info page and click the Podroll tab
  3. Click ⊕ Add a Podcast
  4. Use the search field to find a podcast you would like to recommend
  5. Click Add Podcast
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If you have already added a podcast, the Add Podcast button will be disabled. You can search for shows using the podcast title, description, or artist. 
Features>Podcast Recommendations2.png
Once you add a podcast it will be added to your Podroll which will be visible on your website and in your RSS feed. 

Reorganizing Your Podroll Recommendations

As you build out your Podroll, you can sort and remove shows as needed. To change the order, just click on the podcast and drag it to the place you want it to show. To remove a show from your Podroll click the Remove link below the podcast artwork.
Features>Podcast Recommendations3.png

Where Will Podroll Recommendations Show?

Once your Podroll is set up, you'll see it included anywhere that supports the Podroll tag! This includes your Buzzsprout Website, your Podnews listing, and any Podcasting 2.0-enabled listening apps.
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Pro Tip: If you want to include your Podroll in a directory, we recommend emailing the directory directly to request that they support the Podroll tag!

Want to learn more about how we developed Podroll? Check out our Behind the Scenes Product Review!
To learn more about how you can use Podroll for your podcast check out this episode of Buzzcast and if you have any questions about adding your Podroll, email our support team at