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Upload Podcast Artwork

When you first start an account with Buzzsprout, your artwork will look like this:

Change Your Artwork

When you are ready, it is super simple to upload your own personalized podcast artwork! Just follow these steps:
  1. Head to your Podcast Info page
  2. On the General tab, scroll down to Podcast Artwork, click Select File
  3. Select the artwork that you’d like to upload from your computer
  4. Click Save Podcast Info
CleanShot 2024-12-17 at 11.16.02@2x.png

Canva Integration

With our Canva Integration, you can create awesome artwork without leaving Buzzsprout and if you use this integration, your artwork is guaranteed to match the podcast industry guidelines! Check out the Canva Integration for more!

Best Practices

You can upload any size artwork to Buzzsprout, but for compatibility with Apple Podcasts, you’ll want to upload a PNG or JPEG with a minimum size of 1400x1400 pixels. 

Learn More About Podcast Artwork!