Insights into Entertainment

Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 0 "Kicking off the Entertainment"

Joseph and Michelle Whalen Season 1

Michelle and Joe kick off their new podcast series with an overview of the podcast, it's format and topics. A discussion on how people consume their entertainment. What devices, services and patterns of media usage. We also discuss the Super Bowl and specifically the ads surrounding the Super Bowl.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to insights into entertainment podcast series. Taking a deeper look into entertainment and media, your host, Joseph and Michelle Waylon, a husband and wife, team of pop culture, phonetics are exploring all things from music and movies to television and fandom. This is insights

Speaker 2:

into entertainment, episode zero kicking off the entertainment. I'm your host, Joseph Waylon and my cohost Michelle Waylon. Hello. This is our first podcast in this series. So I think it would be worthwhile for us to talk a little bit about what the podcast is about. What are we going to be talking about? What's the format of the show?

Speaker 3:

Well, I, I believe that our format or our topics will be all things entertainment from movies to television to things to do. Um, yeah, comic cons and Ren Fairs and entertainment as a whole.

Speaker 2:

So pop culture, movies, Tvs, music award shows. I'm sure we'll talk about, we'll do it in a kind of a question and answer format. Sure. And, uh, just a general discussion. The first topic and the first thing I wanted to discuss today is not a specific type of entertainment, but how people consume their entertainment. Today, I did a little research and a website codes to and there was a survey for the number of weekly hours of media usage from 2017 to categories or are kind of limited. So we have smartphones, we have TV, radio, PV, connected devices, PC and tablet. No, it doesn't talk about service providers like you know, Hulu or Netflix or anything, how they're watching it, just how their wants. Okay. Okay. Um, on those, and I talked about what are those, do you use to consume your media almost all of you, all of the above. You trust them?

Speaker 3:

Well, I think primarily for us in our household it's, it's mostly TV. Um, for our daughter it would be her smartphone. Um, as well as TV usually at the same time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she does do multiple channels at once.

Speaker 3:

It has multiple channels at the same time. Um, if we're traveling then it's usually an iPad type tablet along with the phone. Sometimes it's a computer, you know, as well. So I think we definitely check

Speaker 2:

all of the boxes, the mediums that I spoke of. What do you think is the most

Speaker 3:

now in this day and age? I would probably say a computer or and or a smartphone just because a lot of people seem to be cutting the cord. So a lot of people might not even have a television anymore because they might not have, you know, service through a normal, uh, cable system. So they probably using more so internet access to access their, their entertainment. So it's probably more so on their laptop or you know, within, you know, on their smartphone.

Speaker 2:

The interesting thing about the survey is they split the survey results between millennials and all other adults of course, because millennials really are species on and on and generation x doesn't exist anymore. But in this survey, millennials ranked the smartphone as their preferred medium. Okay. So that they would spend 19 hours and 39 minutes on average on their smartphone consuming media. And that's per week. That is per week during the day. Well, there, yeah, that's a lot of consumption. The highest for other adults was still television at 34 minutes, a 34 hours, 32 minutes. So that's the kind of an interesting split between the age groups there. The television comes in second for millennials at 19 hours and 18 minutes. So it's, they still use traditional media, so it's very close between. It is. But the next closest for your other adults is the smartphone. It's almost half of what they would consume. Regular television. I was 17 hours older people, you know, sitting on a couch, you know, still have a television, you know, and then probably they're using their phone if they're traveling or at an appointment. That would make sense. I know that's what I do. If I'm sitting oh for an hour. Well, and that's the thing. I mean, maybe I'm just old, but I don't consume the majority of my media on my smartphone at this point because it's, to me, it's too small for you. You use your tablet more so than correct. If you're

Speaker 3:

not watching it on television, and I'll use it

Speaker 2:

and I will use my smartphone for media consumption at lunch. If I'm listening to a podcast or watching a podcast or something, trying to plug podcasts or anything. But we would never do that. What I thought was interesting was tablets. We're at the bottom of the list for everybody

Speaker 3:

and I wonder if it's more so because tablets you don't see as many people using them. I think as you used to. I think because the smart phone kind of took over

Speaker 2:

pointed there fablets now they're just so big that right. What you were using a tablet for for media before

Speaker 3:

get from a phone. Right, exactly where, you know, just the other day I was looking for something and I found one of my original cell phones and it's this cute little tiny thing and I'm like, oh my God, how did I even use this? I almost felt like it was a kid phone, you know, putting it up tonight. No, you know, and, and you know, obviously you didn't really text on it because it wasn't a keyboard. It was, you know, just a regular key pad, a BBB. It just didn't make sense. So I could see when tablets, you know, I even remember, you know when I first got my first little tablet, you know this, the phone that I had was okay but you know it was just better to have it on a larger screen. But now like you said, more of the smart phones are much bigger or there that in between of a smartphone and a tablet, you know the, the notes or,

Speaker 2:

well and this is a direct correlation to the drop in tablet sales as well. Apple is now struggling, you know, they commanded the tablet market for years after the IPAD came out and they're struggling to reinvent themselves to, to maintain dominance there. And you know, three hours of media consumption a week by the millennials on a tablet is devastating to the tablet.

Speaker 3:

Live and think, you know, what was it a couple of holidays ago when I picked up that one generic tablet to kind of replace the other tablet that I had was like$50 or something. And I think it was an Android, right? It was an android tablet cause I'm an android user as opposed to everybody else in the household who's at fault. We won't hold that against you. Having that inferior perspective on the podcast is we don't wanna, we don't want to set precedent here, but I think maybe I used it for a week and that was it. And I never went back to it. It's still sitting upstairs in the bedroom and it was one of those, why did I even buy it? So for me it's just easier, you know, even when we go on vacation as that'll be one of our, I'm sure, uh, later on I'll probably have my laptop, but I probably won't use it as much as I would use my phone. It's just easier. It's that all in one device. I have everything there.

Speaker 2:

Well, and that's the thing. I mean the, the cell phones today have finally reached the point of convergence that we were looking for from back in the 90s. Maca, the age of your palm pilot, palm pilot or a personal organizer. You would have a phone, you would have a camera. And back then we always wanted this converged device where everything was in one and it started merging that way in late nineties early two thousands but your camera's weren't high enough quality, your screens weren't big enough or high enough resolution. And I think finally we've gotten to the point that, you know, the Samsung Galaxy s nine that you have the iPhone 10 that I have, it's a form factor that is ideal for media consumption. Absolutely. And and creation to bring you, you can take photos on there like you could on professional cameras from 10 years ago. Absolutely. You know, I think that that kind of answers our question when it comes to why smart phones are so popular for media consumption.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

let's talk about the amount of time that we spend looking at different types of media. So Nielsen came out with a survey of average time spent per adult 18 and older. So we're not breaking out the millennials from this one here in this came from July of 2018 and the number one media source here that they're talking about on average is live television at four hours and 10 minutes a day. Now this is per day. Okay. You know my stance on live TV, I absolutely hated, I hate watching live TV and I refuse to at some points to the point of if we're going to watch something that's being broadcast live, I'll watch it 15 minutes later than it starts just so I don't have to watch commercials on it. Can fast forward through commercials. Of course. Now that's devastating if I ever try to sell commercials on the podcast because people are going to just fast forward them. Exactly. So we'll, we'll, we'll come up with a way to get around that. Right, exactly. So TV live TV outweighs the next category by almost a factor of two and that's APP and webs on a Web apps on smartphones, which speaks to the previous a survey. So these, these kind of go hand in hand with the Statista survey that we talked about where it's smart phones and TV are the other number ones. What surprised me was radio, the fact that people still spend almost two hours a day listening to radio. Well think about the average person's commute. Now the mass. The other thing when I went and did a little bit of research, I found the average commute was just over an hour. Okay. So that does make sense that if you're commuting both ways. I personally tend to listen to podcasts when I'm on the road. So I don't usually listen to the live radio and that's if I'm on the road for a long duration, I'm going to hop radio station regions, right? So instead of hitting that scan button on the radio, all right, I'll fire up a two hour podcast and listen to that. Or I'll listen to an audio book or something.

Speaker 3:

See. And I think for me, I've always found that if I try listening to a podcast or you know, a, an audio book or something like that, I tend to not pay attention as much to it, which is probably good if you're driving. Right? So that's good. I'm not a distracted driver. So I think for me personally, I rather has music because there are times when you, or listening to the radio where I don't even remember that a song was just on like, you know, I'm driving along and I hear the tail end of the song and I'm like, oh, I didn't even realize that song. So it just back wrong. Yeah. For me it's really, you know, and, and also the same thing when I'm at work, I have Pandora playing from the moment I log onto my computer at work until the moment I, I leave the house. That doesn't qualify as radio and this service. Well, no, not for that. But my number would be a lot higher since I'm at work for a nine hour day. Right. So I'd say I'd scare with architecture.

Speaker 2:

Our future sponsors would love to hear, hear that you're listening to over nine hours. So remember pan door, we have one listener that'll listen to your commercials for nine hours a day, right? So after radio we're back to APP and web on a tablet, which is down to 47 minutes. Not a big shocker though. I was kind of surprised that it ranked this high. Um, Internet on a computer was 39 minutes. And I, and I guess people just don't shoot at their computers to watch entertainment videos. I guess. I, you know, Youtube and Netflix are so popular that you get them on other mediums,

Speaker 3:

right? You get them on your phone. So again, you know, I sit at my computer to do bills. That's really all that I'm using my computer for at this point because everything else, and heck, I can even pay my bills from my phone, but it's just, I like to see my excel spreadsheet or you know, on a bigger, and that's the thing, right?

Speaker 2:

I don't use my phone nearly as much as, as other people do today. And I think, you know, but I'm an anachronism when it comes,

Speaker 3:

but I know there'll be times when, you know, I'm not at home or I'm upstairs in the bedroom or something and I realized, Oh did I forget to pay a certain bill or something and I can onto the banking app, you know, from my phone and I can say, oh I paid it or I didn't. Or you know, if we're out and about and you know really what, what's, you know another 20 minutes gonna buy me waiting to get home to pay something. But that accessibility of being able to do it on the go, just like you know, for work, I have to log on to a system to put in my vacation days and my sick days and I can access it from my phone. I don't have to be on my work computer. So there's that ease of, you know, I might not choose to do it that way, but I have that option to do it that way. I want to sure.

Speaker 2:

The next two that we have in here kind of make me feel like I am a bit of a dinosaur. You know, we've got time shifted TV, which is the only way that I'll watch TV. We have inner internet connected devices, which is the only way that I really watch anything on TV through my apple TV. And then we've got game consoles. So between those they make up less than an hour or just over an hour of of consumption a day at that rate. And then the lowest one that we have for entertainment consumption is your DVD or Blu Ray. I'm not really sure how, it can only be six minutes in an average because that's a really short movie. Yeah, I mean maybe people were just watching the bonus clips. Maybe they're just watching bonus clips at that point

Speaker 3:

and realizing that they don't like it, so they send it back to redbox or whatever, wherever they're getting it from.

Speaker 2:

I think that's really a testament to another piece of dying technology there. But on average, I thought it was interesting that people were consuming about 11 hours of entertainment a day. Now you figure with an eight hour working day, maybe you'd say nine hour working day with commute. That's a lot of time people are consuming entertainment media.

Speaker 3:

Well, I could, I could definitely see, you know, like for myself in the morning we have the radio playing while we're getting ready so that's a half hour just before we're leaving the house. We normally don't put the news on, but I know that there are people that put the news on while they're getting ready in the morning or we'll watch the news while they have breakfast at home. We as our family, the thing, you know, the hours that we work in our schedule, we don't eat breakfast Monday through Friday at home where there were people that, you know, what's a dance? So I could see having a 45 minute TV time at home and then again if your commute is half hour, 45 minutes, you have that much time listening to the radio on your way. And then when you're at work consuming, you know there are people that depending on what their job is, maybe their, during their lunch break, they're watching a half hour show, you know, during their lunch break or their 15 minute break. You know, and then when you get home, some people put the TV on as soon as they walk in the door and maybe they're not even really consuming it either. It's just again, the background. Sure. You know the background. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, and you, you'd give a good example of the fact that, you know, you're listening to some type of media for eight hours, nine hours at work. So, right. I guess there's a lot of people will do them. We've got a lot of people in my office that listened to it as well. Right. Um, I happened to stream play list from our own media server at home. So technically I guess I am as well. Right. So very interesting statistics on how people consume their media and how it's changing over time.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

So let's switch gears a little bit here. Okay. We're, we're the Saturday before super bowl Sunday. Superbowl 53, we would really be neglect in our responsibility as podcasters have an entertainment podcasts if we didn't spend some time talking about the Superbowl. Sure. Uh, this year. So New England patriots versus the Los Angeles Rams Show, even ask who you want to win

Speaker 3:

anybody but the Patriots. And I think that's generally the feeling most of America has except unless you live in New Jersey, you live in New England or are from New England. So a Yuki,

Speaker 2:

uh, Veronica, I'm so sorry. Uh, I would be perfectly happy if new England one, if the promise of Tom Brady retiring was attached to that,

Speaker 3:

I would be happy with that as well. Well, I think after last year's loss that you know, he should have retired after the NGO's, you know, humiliated. Right. But we won't talk about that because we are from the Philadelphia region.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. And in, since it is the Superbowl, we're not actually going to talk about the sports aspect of it because 75% of America probably doesn't care about that. Right. We're going to talk about the halftime show and more importantly, the commercial commercials. So the halftime show this year is fine. There's been some controversy right around Maroon five and some of their lack of support, uh, disappointment in lack of support of, of Colin Kaepernick and his stance with kneeling in the NFL. Right. Which, um, I don't want to get into too much on the controversial, but I think they've sort of dealt with that in as tasteful manner as they possibly could given the circumstances. It's a very volatile subject and it tends to bring out very passionate debates in people. Absolutely. But I think it's one of those things where they recognize that they're entertainers, they're there to do a job and, and they're not there that to make, you know, political statements and they're not, and that's, I think the most important thing is they're not coming down on one side or the other. Right. They're just Switzerland. Yes. Whereas you other entertainers who are very polarized one way or the other. And I think having someone who's going to come in and be professional about why they're there, I think as a tribute to her room five and their management. Um, did you have anything else to add to the halftime show?

Speaker 3:

No. Um, I'm interested to see, you know, how they, they do, um, you know, I tend to prefer the more showy aspects. Katy Perry was one that was a favorite, cause it was, you know, like a big production. Whereas ones where it's more of a rock band, you know, they just come out and do their song. It's kind of like, like with the rolling stones come out and fall asleep on stage. Yeah. You know, not that it's bad, but it's not, you know. Okay. But I enjoy Maroon five. I've actually seen them in concert a couple of times, so I'm sure I'll know all of the songs. So it's always a nice little mini concert to watch. Um, you know, I know there's usually always some surprise guest that comes out. Um, so I've actually tried not looking online to see. So one thing that, so

Speaker 2:

one thing that I saw and I just saw a headline and I didn't really article was there's some kind of spongebob song or something or spongebob tribute

Speaker 3:

or something that our daughter would like that cause she's the spongebob

Speaker 2:

exam but I didn't read it. There was some kind of a petition or something to get them to do this specific show. Okay. And I'm trying to get familiar with the song itself and I don't know if it came from the spongebob movie or, or what. No idea. I don't know. Yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

So the big thing about any super bowl are the commercial. So this year there's a lot of commercials like there is every year. Right. And the commercials had a whopping price tag of 5.1 to five point$3 million per 30 seconds spot the most ever.

Speaker 3:

That's insane. I'm sorry. There is so much more that you could do in there is that much money that and,

Speaker 2:

and what's funny is you've got some really obscure ones, like you've got Avocados from Mexico will be advertising during the super bowl. Okay. You have the, the, the standard ones, you have Budweiser guy, Doritos, uh, you of Michelob, um, Pepsi obviously, but yellow tail, I don't know what yellow tail is. I'm guessing it's an alcoholic beverage of some sort of leave. It's a wine unless it's a

Speaker 3:

different yellow tail. Then

Speaker 2:

you have a, a, an ad that's already been circulating the Internet from devour talking about they're depicting of food addiction to a porn addiction and just apparently they've had some racy comments about that. You have bumble? I don't know who, who bumble is I

Speaker 3:

in her court? Yeah. Don't know. Probably a pro female.

Speaker 2:

That's what it sounds like. Uh, you have,

Speaker 3:

I'm thinking that's going to be one that's going to like, I'll watch it and like get all teary eyed because I'm a SAP when it comes to commercials like that. Yes, you are.

Speaker 2:

Um, you have, can I have a boob light from bubbly of which I'm guessing is another alcoholic beverage. It's featuring Michael Michael Booth. Bublé a bomb and Viv don't know who that is. But what strikes me is, I mean, you're looking at, even at a minimum, you're looking at 5.1 million. That's just insane. That's just to be there. That's not even the cost of the production of the commercial.

Speaker 3:

Oh, absolutely. And also, and, and the other thing too is, well, how many of these commercials are, you know how they do, you know, like one of part three, right? The lead up to it. Like there might be four commercials within the whole series. Sure. So is it, I'm guessing, you know, it's 5 million a shot. So if you have three, you're paying 15

Speaker 2:

$15 million to advertise. I mean granted it's a lot of eyes on your,

Speaker 3:

well I was just going to say is in the super bowl the most watched? Yeah,

Speaker 2:

it's a thing. All the, all the commercials that we have up in front of us here, these are ones that have already been published and leaked to the inner.

Speaker 3:

And that was the other thing that I was going to say was that just, it's only been a couple of years that they've actually been doing this, where by the time the Superbowl's even started, you've already seen these commercials or you know, they've either already run on TV in some facet or you can just go on youtube and find them. So by the time, you know, the, the anticipation of, Oh, what's the commercial going to be? It's kind of like, oh, I saw that one already. So that's not as good. But I know for me, I try not to watch them. So I do get the enjoyment that watching the super bowl has become an entertainment extravaganza less for the sporting aspect. Most of the commercial aspect of it. Absolutely. You know, and the party aspect and given some of the lack luster games that

Speaker 2:

we've seen in the past 10 years where they've just been complete snore fest, the one people have to look forward to, or the commercials, you know, in a football pool. Like we would never join football pools because gambling is illegal. We live in New Jersey. Um, everything's illegal in New Jersey. Absolutely. But, you know, I thought that was a, that was a lot. And that's not even all of, that's, you know, we're looking at about 20 ads here, which makes, you know, a two hour game, a very long game where you're trying to squeeze so many ads into us though. But I think it's being broadcast on CBS, you can hardly blame the network for not trying to cram as many ads as possible when you're getting 5.1 million. Absolutely. But it should prove to be an interesting, yeah. Interesting Extravaganza. I think I'm pretty much concludes what we were going to talk about today. Did you have any closing words for us? My dear? I don't. I think this went well. Okay. Uh, next week we will be broadcasting or recording at least on location, uh, from the happiest place on earth or somewhere thereabouts, somewhere nearby. Yes. So let's buy until then, thank you for your time. Thank you, Michelle, for being with us today. Thank you, Joe, for having me. Um, and that is all

Speaker 4:
