Insights into Entertainment
An original podcast by a husband and wife team of self professed pop-culture geeks. It is a discussion about all things entertainment from movies and music to television and pop culture. We examine some of the more obscure aspects of the entertainment industry and ask the questions that most mainstream media tends to gloss over or shy away from all together. We give you the insights into the entertainment happenings that you didn't even realize you wanted.
Insights into Entertainment
Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 99 “Papering over the Past"
Joseph and Michelle Whalen
Season 3
Episode 99
In our Disney Detective, We’ll talk about The Untold History of the Iconic Wallpaper in Haunted Mansion & Disney's newest platform gives people access to hidden places in Disney World and Disneyland
Then in our Tales from the Edge of the Galaxy, Lucasfilm’s possible Gina Carano Replacement Plan & Star Wars Books: A Guide to Canon Novels in Chronological Order
And for our Entertainment News, Stevie Wonder big move & MCU Might Be Getting Major Casting Shake-Up
And then we’ll finish up with our Insightful Picks of the week....