Insights into Entertainment

Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 55 "Bobbing for CEOs"

Joseph and Michelle Whalen Season 2 Episode 55

Bob Iger is, Bob Chapek is in. Disney continues with it's fascination for men named Bob at the top. We learn a little bit more about who the new head of Disney is and what makes him tick. We also look at a scary boat sinking on the Jungle Cruise...or was it just a publicity stunt for the new movie?

Star Wars Insights takes a look at how the new Star Wars: High Republic storylines might be able to correct the latest sequel trilogy mistakes made by Disney. Then we'll take a look at some of the cutting edge filming techniques that give production of The Mandalorian a leg up on production costs and time.

Our Entertainment News investigates reports that Steven Spielberg has quit as the director of the as yet unnamed fifth edition to the Indiana Jones series, causing an uproar among fans.  And Mulan is still stirring up controversy overseas with it's pending release in Hong Kong and mainland China.

We'll wrap up with our Insightful Picks of the Week and a look at some upcoming conventions and shows to keep an eye on.

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Insightful pocket by informative insights, a podcast network

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to insights into entertainment, a podcast series, taking a deeper look into entertainment and media. Your hosts, Joseph and Michelle Waylon, a husband and wife, team of pop culture, phonetics are exploring all things from music and movies to television and fashion.

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to insights and entertainment. This is episode 55 bobbing for CEOs. I'm your host, Joseph Wayland and my beautiful and vibrant cohost, Michelle Waylon. Hi. That would be your cue as if this is the first time we've done this, isn't it? So we have a very busy show today that almost didn't go off because I woke up with a migraine. So we'll see if we can say that you're feeling better. See if we can muddle through this. So in our Disney detective segment, we will be talking about none other than my best friend Bob Iger and his new replacement, uh, which I can briefly say I, it doesn't matter who it is, as long as he's going to replace Bob chop hack is his name. Sure, sure. We learn how to pronounce it. Give it a couple of months and we'll, we'll figure it out, really pronounce it. Then. Uh, someone's sank the jungle cruise vote. Uh, hope it wasn't for a publicity stomp, but we'll say you never know. And star Wars insights. We will talk more news about the high Republican, how it can correct some of the sequel trilogy mistakes. And there are many, uh, we'll talk about some amazing tricks the Mandalorian is using, uh, that could change TV and movies forever. And in our entertainment news we have news that uh, Steven Spielberg is not directing the new Indiana Jones film and that sorta has fans kind of up in arms. Uh, and speaking of fans up in arms, there's more outrage over lawn and it keeps intensifying. Uh, then we'll talk about our insightful picks of the week and some upcoming events that we have that some of which are most of which I hope will be attending. So busy show. Are we ready to get started? All right, let's do it.

Speaker 6:

This was

Speaker 7:

kind of a little bit of a surprise, but not really. We knew that your, your buddy Bob Iger was going to be stepping down at some point. We knew his contract was, was going to be up in what, 20, 22, I believe. 2021. Um, so we knew it was going to happen, but last week the bombshell dropped that boom. He was like effective immediately. He was no longer the CEO and I shed a tear. I know you were like heartbroken by the whole thing. Um, but have no fear, you know, he's not going anywhere. He's, you know, he's just kinda been moved around and you know, still basically part of the company until the end of his contract in, um, like we said 2021. Uh, so we have a, a new Bob to, to, to be friend. Uh, Bob[inaudible]. Um, he's from Indiana. Um, he's been with the company, uh, since 80, uh, sorry, since 1993. He actually, uh, was that, uh, Heinz and, uh, Walter Thompson and joined Disney in 1993 and he actually started off as an executive for a bueno Vista, uh, home entertainment at the time when they had the home video. Army can catch up

Speaker 6:

to Disney.

Speaker 7:

Sure. Why not? That's, that's ironic. Yeah, I guess so. A little bit about him. He's been married for 40 years. Uh, he's 60 years old. Um, and uh, he, uh, has an honorary doctorate and blah, blah, blah. Uh, he has three kids, um, at the time, you know, Uyghur right now is 69, so you figure he's probably, you know, this new Bob is going to be around, you know, for, for a little while. Um, in his 27 years at Disney, he's worn many different, you know, internal hats. A large chunk of his experience comes from the hone, enter the home entertainment sector, uh, first as president of, uh, bueno Vista. Then as president of distribution at Walt Disney studios overall. Uh, this obviously kinda helps with the whole Disney plus, so he's, you know, has that kind of, as you know, his mum, majority of, of what he's done, I guess. Uh, he also ascended to a chairman at Disney consumer products and interactive media. Um, and all this time he was kind of under the radar. Nobody really, you know, uh, I was gonna say nobody really knew who he, but obviously people within Disney knew who he was, but more than likely, you know, um,

Speaker 1:

yeah, his name did not come out a lot in,

Speaker 7:

right. It was definitely something you, you didn't see him a lot of. But one of the things that was kind of interesting in this article, if you go back and watch the promo videos of star Wars Galaxy's edge, he's, he's there. He was one of the big guys that was there. So I wonder how much of it they knew. You know, cause obviously it's something they don't just decide over night. So they obviously knew he was probably going to be taking place. So, Oh, let's kinda get ya, you know, in the spotlight, you know, a little bit. So obviously Bob Iger isn't, you know, departing just yet. Um, he's going to be, uh, uh, kind of switching gears. Uh, what was it, the creative concepts division or something along the lines. So, you know, we'll still be hearing from him for a little while, but it'll be interesting to see where, you know, this new Bob takes things because obviously Disney's kind of at a high point right now. They've had some not so favorable things, but nothing too horrible, I guess that needs to, you know, be, you know, fixed. But obviously a lot happened under Iger too. You know, you had Lucas and you had Marvel and you had, you know, Galaxy's edge expansion and um, you know, the park general park expansion. Um, you know, so you had the, the Fox acquisition as well. So, you know, there was a lot of big things that that happened. Is that something where now, you know, new Bob is, cause we have old Bob knew Bob, we did that at work. There was somebody that left a position and and transferred. So we don't call him by his name, we call him by, Oh your, your new version of whatever. So in this case it's Bob and Bob. Um, but I wonder if it's more new. Bob is basically gonna maintain things or help bring it in cause don't forget you have a lot of expansions that are still in the process of going on, uh, in terms of Epcot and the parks and you know, so is it, is he going to just be there overseeing everything? Well, that's the thing,

Speaker 1:

the is more, is this a longterm, uh, arrangement or is this a transitionary arrangement where there's so many irons in the fire right now that he's going to come in and manage those and when all that's done, what's he going to be gone and then they're going to bring it over?

Speaker 7:

Right, right. Because that's the other thing too is that, you know, Bob Iger is only nine years older, but he's been doing this for 15 years. You know, looking at the math of things. Okay. By the time all these expansions and everything are finished. Is new Bob going to basically, you know, I'm like you said what the deal is with the timing leg. They knew that Uyghur was going to be out. Yeah. Why do it? Yeah. Did something else happen or are we going to hear more later on? That's something else you know, happened, why do it so, you know, abruptly I guess. Let's just remember the most important thing here is Bob monitors out. That's, that's really the idea. We're going to say that. So tell us about sinking the jungle. Cruise boat. A jungle cruise book. I was like, what book? So on Thursday, this was kind of funny, but kind of scary I guess was uh, a jungle cruise boat sank into the murky waters at Disney's magic kingdom in Orlando, putting passengers at grave risk of encountering attacks from wild ducks. So the news w actually first bro by blog Mickey, which obtained a photo of patrons clinging to a boat as it went by. Um, went down, sorry, while it went down. Um, and then one guest on the boat actually posted on Twitter. And then that picture kind of went viral, um, of people, you know, reposting it and whatnot. Um, Disney confirmed with Buzzfeed news that the jungle cruise boat took on some water and that the park immediately called the Reedy Creek fire department to respond to the incident. Everyone obviously got out of the boat. Okay. And the attraction was actually reopened a bout an hour and a half after the fact. Um, so what was really funny was just all the reactions to it. So, you know, there were people, um, you know, that that posted, you know, it'd be really scary to be, you know, to sink because the water is full of crocodiles and hippos. Now obviously, if you've never been on the boat, you don't understand the, the, the joke behind it, but it's a boat ride through, you know, the Amazon or are you different, uh, fictional or not fictional? Uh, a riverboat and all the animals are fake. None of them are real. It's all audio animatronics. Um, you know, one of the, yeah, the only real animals are the ducks that flung. Right. Exactly. Um, you know, so you know, somebody else, you know, one of the areas when you're on the ride is, uh, you go under or you go behind a waterfall and they always say, you know, the eighth wonder of the world, the backside of water. And one of the jokes was look, the inside of water because they had, you know, the water in the boat. Um, and then there was like you had kinda mentioned, uh, somebody had had tweeted, I know Disney needs publicity for the new jungle cruise movie, but sinking it ship, uh, with guests in it seems kind of extreme. Um, you know, and, and I kind of feel bad, you know, for guests who this was like their first time ever, you know, to Disney world on the D, you know, on the jungle cruise. And that's their first experience of a sinking ship.

Speaker 8:

Well, yeah, I mean, not only do you have to sit through the really bad jokes on the job, now you're in a sink too. Right, right. But the other thing too, cause I was talking about this with one of my[inaudible]

Speaker 7:

friends at work was I was pretty sure that the boat wasn't, um, free float. Well it's loading boats, right? It's a floating boat on rail. So it just didn't seem like it was possible that it could.

Speaker 8:

Well and the water, the water is not going to say we know the water is not very looking at me lead to a couple feet of water. They were going to be, you know. Okay. But it was just fun and, and again, you know, everybody at work comes up to me. Hey, did you hear about the jungle cruise? Yeah, yeah I did. I did. Thanks. I wasn't, I wasn't there but thanks. Yeah, be careful when you go on it. So it makes, it makes a traditional, uh, cruise or traditional ride in Disney a little bit more exciting. You know, some, some realism to it. So maybe now when you go on the Honda mansion, when you get off, you're going to need an exorcism. There you go. You never know. There might actually fall nine actually follow you home. Well, that was all we had for our Disney detective. We'll be back with our star Wars insights. Well, it's about the high Republic.

Speaker 7:

Well, I dunno, maybe you should tell us more about it since you yeah, you, you probably know more about it than I do. It'll be an educational experience. Is that it? So Lucas film publishing has announced their new star Wars initiative project luminous, uh, which is centered around the high Republic error. And it can hopefully correct the mistakes of the tr, uh, the sequel trilogy. When Disney purchased Lucasfilms back in 2012, they wasted little time in announcing both a new sequel trilogy and anthology series of films. Eight years later. The strategy seems to have kind of failed obviously, because we, you've talked about this and you know, for, for, for months ne Bob. So basically all of the sequels that they've made have turned out to be disappointments, uh, ending not with a bang, but with a whimper. Um, you know, and obviously your favorite one of all was, you know, solo, a star Wars story. I want to be a pilot. I was waiting for that need that a sound bite so you can, you know, so now Disney has, you know, been going through the, the history of star Wars and now they're, they're trying to fix everything. Um, you know, that, that they broke that they broke basically. So the adventure is set 200 years before the events of star Wars, episode one, a fan of menace. Um, and uh, it's centered around a space station called Starlight beacon. And bringing in the cheesy cafe does actually, when you think about it with like 1950s text or something and you know, some music playing in the background. Um, so, and it's bringing the old Jed, I order into conflict with a new group of enemies called the Nye Hill. Sure, sure, sure. We'll go with that. Um, so Lucas publishing has been a long, uh, has been critical to the success, the success of star Wars with the expanded universe kicking off in 1991. Your favorite series, the thrawn trilogy. Um, you know, and as we, we've talked about this before. When Disney came in, they basically said, none of this existed. None of this

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was part of that made all the fans after when they did this and now it kind of seems like they're backtracking and realizing, and they've been doing that for quite some time now because, because even with their existing property that they're doing, you saw them bring characters like thrawn from, from the expanded universe. And because it was such a good character and they realized, you know, after they made their mistake of, of, you know, claiming that it doesn't exist, that it needs to exist in order to please the fans.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. So, you know, so the, the high Republic error represents, uh, presents star Wars with an opportunity to step away from the original trilogy, um, because again, it's 200 years before the peak will sequels. The prequels, uh, while the Sith are still active in the shadows, uh, there continues to, uh, their existence continues to be a secret, uh, one that obviously won't be discovered for centuries. Um, the other interesting thing is that when you think of all the various characters who are in the modern trilogies, you have one that's 900 years old. So more than likely, Yoda is going to make some sort of a, an appearance in this. And as you know, we were talking, um, the other day, the lifespan in the star Wars galaxy is much longer. Um, so you might even see some other characters who, um, you know, are older in Phantom menace who are possibly in this newer, right. You know, they're really not saying, you know, much of anything. You know, there's a couple of mockups, um, of different characters and things like that, but it seems a lot of people are kind of excited, you know, about this kind of bringing back the feel of, of what people that were into the, you know, ex, uh, expanded universe, um, you know, kind of want back. So

Speaker 1:

I can't help but think they could have come up with a better name called star Wars, the higher public. I just picture a bunch of jet ice sitting around the temple getting stone[inaudible].

Speaker 7:

They have, they call it like four 20. Then that's a whole other, all other star Wars.

Speaker 1:

Oh, hi Republic. This is, this is the period of the Republic where they've actually, uh, allowed marijuana use.

Speaker 7:

I was going to say is mace Windu around cause you could totally see him hanging out. So anyway,

Speaker 1:

moving right along. Uh, so Mandalorian what tricks in the[inaudible]?

Speaker 7:

So this was actually really cool there. There's a, the article was actually from Tom's Um, and there was a, a really interesting video showing how they, they film a lot of the scenes. Um, you know, nowadays there's so much CGI and blue screen and green screen and all that. Well this kind of takes it to the next level. And what it is, um, is it's, they're kind of in like a three 60 surround, uh, screen I guess. But the screen is live. They can, the actors see what's, you know, behind them and everything. So, um, you know, within a days shooting they can be in a snow, um, you know, a snow background and then be in a desert background with, you know, all in the same day without having to travel. They can, um, you know, be in, in a ship yard or on a a battle ship. And you know, basically it takes them about, I think they were saying in the video, it takes them about 24 hours to render the background in the computer and basically you're in this big computer game. Really it's not virtual reality because again, the actors see it so they only have to, you know, wherever the actors are standing, they, you know, they put various set pieces there. But the whole background can be something. And if, you know, they don't like the way a mountain looks, they can move the mountain and still, you know, film the shot and stuff. So it was just really kind of cool because again, when you see, you know, the various movies where they do, you know, the green screen or the blue screen, you know, the actors don't have any clue of where you, what they're looking at or what's in their background, where with this the actors can actually point at something and they see it. Um, and it was neat cause they did kind of like a side by side of what it looked like when they were shooting it and what they looked like when, you know, post-production and not really a whole lot had to be, you know, fixed on it. Cause a lot of it's already there. So it, it's kinda cool cause it's almost like bringing the gaming world, you know, in

Speaker 1:

too well not something they're using unreal engine to actually do the rendering, which is me. And it's funny, this is similar to a technology that they had developed. Um, Lucas arts had developed it back when they were developing, um, the star Wars 1313, which was the bounty Hunter style game and the under levels of course on, and what was revolutionary about that, like this was they were able to render real time. So for instance, with that technology, they could render a suit of armor on you. So at the click of a button you could go from being Boba Fett to a storm trooper to a droid to whatever and real time the computer engine would render this over top of you. Sensing your movement so you could raise your arm, walk, do whatever and it would actually put the armor on. You're realistically lucky as a motion capture and it sounds like, you know, just short of a star Trek holodeck that this really,

Speaker 7:

and that was the thing in, in the article they talk about, they kinda hint like this is like finally though the hologram from star Trek that we've been waiting for, you know, so it'll be interesting to see if they use it for anything else. Like if you know, like virtual reality gaming instead of having to wear goggles, you go into like a little pod room, like a hologram, you know, a holodeck and everything.

Speaker 1:

When we did pirates of the Caribbean down at Disney quest, it was a room that all the walls were that were screens. So the same type of technology. But the one thing that I like about the Mandalorian is it's not all technology. They still do practical effects. And, and what they're doing on the Mandalorian is, is exactly what Lucas was going for on approval trilogies that he failed on. Mind you. And that was the, the blending of technology and practical effects didn't get a realistic look. Um, when you look at revenge of the Sith which was filmed entirely on a soundstage, um, it has right has a completely different fields to antiseptic. Uh, and I think they, they capture the true essence of filmmaking with Mandalorian. So very cool. I think that was it for our star Wars insights. We will come and do our entertainment news. Tell us about Indiana Jones.

Speaker 7:

So Indiana Jones fans are all up in arms because they found out that Steven Spielberg is actually quitting as the director. So, you know, the filmmaker is still going to be part of the project. He's going to be a hands on producer a and X is expected to give the directing reigns over to James Mangold who directed Ford versus Ferrari. Um, this'll be the, um, I'm sorry that this will make the untitled fifth Indiana Jones film the first in the franchise's 39 year history, not to be directed by Spielberg. Um, his decision was inspired by a desire to pass the character's legacy along to a new generation to bring their perspective to the story. Uh, following the announcement, which was reported by variety fans have been expressing their shotguns,[inaudible] social media where a large, uh, contingent are questioning why production is continuing without Spielberg in the director's chair. Um, uh, so in my mind, literally there's only one reason you do Indiana Jones five and that would be to course correct crystal skull. This was to be Holberg's chance to leave the franchise on a high note, basically a duo over. So with him out, the question I don't know is why do you do it? Period. Was what one person had had said. Another, a person had said, okay, now I'm really an inquiry. So now we have an Indiana Jones movie without Spielberg or Lucas, what do you do in Disney? Poor Disney never ever gets a good Rapids scenes. And then another added making an Indiana Jones movie without Spielberg is kind of like making a pizza with no cheese. Sure you could do it, but why bother?

Speaker 1:

And you know, w with a statement like that, all the tomato pie people that are up in arms

Speaker 7:

exactly like tomato pie is still good. Um, you know, and then another added that the lack of Steven Spielberg in the director's chair along with George Lucas, not producing means Indiana Jones has joined star Wars as one of the defining cinematic franchises that are now just another piece of Disney. Yeah. So, you know, it'll be interesting to see, you know, how different it is. You know,

Speaker 1:

you know, I will say after suffering through kingdom of the crystal skull, which was apps I like, I wasn't a big fan of a temple of doom, but temple of doom was a, was was a master piece over crystal Scott

Speaker 8:

thing is crystals

Speaker 7:

go up until you found out they were crystal skulls of aliens. Like spoiler alert. Um,

Speaker 8:

I see. I still don't think it was that good. Like you know what it is,

Speaker 7:

go in with it. Okay. So yeah, the original was really good and you know, I guess I always kind of watched them as like not cheesy remakes of fifties adventure movies. I guess like they, they were different than that, but like that's how I kind of felt crystal skulls had become I guess. But I kind of go in it, you know, when, okay, just entertain me and you know, whatever. And okay look, the Nazis are here again. Okay. We're still fighting them. But then when you had the Russians and Chrysalis, Oh it was the Russians as we're, I'm sorry cause the bright, cause it was like the 50s by then we weren't

Speaker 8:

damn, we got into a led light refrigerator and survived. I know I got it. But crystal skulls of aliens

Speaker 7:

where like that's kind of where I was at that disbelief. Like the refrigerator. Yeah. Okay. But the sculpture would have bought the refrigerator. I totally, well we, we, when we saw it, we were kind of like, I don't think it would've lived. I think they would have died in that like, but it was a little bit more, I dunno, than crystal skulls of alien.

Speaker 8:

I don't know, dude, stop beating up on baby speaking to crystal skulls of aliens. He got all upset and he was like, don't take my skull. So anyway, my point is, is that after suffering through crystals, I don't really have a requirement to have Spielberg head up another Indiana. But to the point of the people that are commenting on this, I don't think there's a need to head up another Indiana Jones because crystal skull should have been the tossing that the passing of the Baton wasn't right. And that was what you were kind of expecting at the end with not keen on giving you another opportunity to drop the Batanga dropped at once. You had to try to pass it. You didn't, let's just move on at this point. Here's your forge. What? 79 now, like come on. How many more adventure movies are you going to get out of them? I don't know. Anyway, keep the outreach going. Let's keep the outrage going and let's talk about Moolah.

Speaker 7:

So Disney's live action Milan remake continues to suffer under the plight of marketing itself during major political upheaval in Hong Kong. Most recently, a new TV spot for Milan posted on its official YouTube channel is being raid, a reading bombed by down, uh, down votes, overwhelming up votes by nearly four to one ratio at the time that this article came out, uh, the trailer had had a 2,400 likes and 9,100 dislikes. Um, and it's basically the latest, uh, you know, in a chapter of, you know, Milan having this uphill battle with critical and financial success. Um, and really it kind of comes down to a lot of, um, the, the issues in, in China and Hong Kong, there's a lot of political stuff going on and it's really all political based. It has nothing to do with the quality of the movie. Um, obviously Disney made, uh, the animated version in 1998. It didn't really have a very, um, Chinese cast in a lot of the characters. Um, they, there were a couple of issues that people, you know, that Chinese heritage had with it and whatnot. So when you see the commercials for the live action, it looks like they are trying to, to fix all of those mistakes that they made. But again, because of all the political unrest that's going on, that's where the problems seem to be. Um, you know, so it's one of those, is that going to affect the U S market or really just the overseas market, you know, at this time. So there's no release date for the movie in China at this point. Um, you know, so it's kind of like, you know, they, they don't even want it released, but obviously it's, it's going to be, you know, released here. So it'll be interesting to see, you know, how, how it does, um, you know, they spent$200 million to make this movie. Um, you know, Disney's been doing fairly well with their, their remakes. Um, but it's not a musical, whereas you had, um, Disney make a film and stuff. As far as I know, it's not a musical star Wars. Um, you know, so you had lion King that came out and you had Aladdin. Um, you know, so it'll be interesting to see how this does because some of the characters that were in the animated version aren't in this version. So it's a little bit different of, you know, storytelling. So I guess that's Ruthie.

Speaker 1:

I've, I've had a very difficult time, uh, getting into the controversy about this and it's about as interesting is the taxation of trade routes in a star Wars plot. Okay. It just, it's hard to get interested in something like this when it's just stuff, right? Yeah. Enjoy the movie for what it is. Um, be thankful that Eddie Murphy's not going to be in playing the part of the Asian somewhere here. Right.

Speaker 7:

Well, and that's the thing is that the cast, you know, is, you know, they, they, and it was kind of the same thing with Aladdin too. They cast, you know, when the, the animated feature came out, they, you know, cast anybody in the various parts, but they were more, um,[inaudible]

Speaker 1:

Disney is not as interested in making profit from cultural appropriation at this point in time that you may actually see, you know, Asian character, Asian actors and actresses playing Asian characters. Right. So I think if anything focus on that, you know, we've spent a good half of the show bashing Disney already. I'm not going to bash him over this. Not, not when you've got Hong Kong and, and China fighting it over political stuff. It's just idiotic. It's entertainment. People, if you don't want to go see it, don't go. So it's that simple. So that was all we had for entertainment news. We will come back with our insightful picks of the week. Oh, for your insightful pick.

Speaker 7:

So my insightful pick is a Netflix series called grace and Frankie. Frankie, yeah. I can't talk today. Um, you should do a podcast. Really? So, uh, so for as long as they can recall, grace and Frankie have been rivals. They're one upmanship comes crashing to a halt. However, when they learn that their husbands have actually fallen in love with each other and they want to get married as everything around the ladies comes apart, the only thing that they can rely on is he in is each other. This Netflix original reteam, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin as grace and Franklin Frankie bringing their chemistry to the small screen. It is a casting reunion on a grand scale as Tomlin is reunited with her CoStar from the West wing. Martin sheen who plays Grace's husband, Robert and Fonda is back with Sam Waterston who was her CoStar from newsroom who plays Frankie's husband saw. Um, this is a really funny, uh, show. It's actually had, uh, six seasons right now, total of 78 episodes, um, on September of 19. Uh, I'm sorry, of 2019. The series was actually renewed for a seventh and final season, which will can six consist of 16 episodes making it the longest running Netflix original series with 94 episodes. Um, like I said, it's a really funny show. If you've, you know, ever watched, um, you know, old TV shows or old movies, a lot of older celebrities, um, who you haven't seen in awhile, make guest appearances in various little parts, uh, you know, so, so the premise behind it obviously is, you know, these two couples, um, the husbands and you know, wanting a divorce because the husbands have actually fallen in love with each other and they go and get married. The two wa, you know, ex wives are like, now what do we do? So they end up moving in together and they're as different as different can be. Um, you know, they both have kids. So, you know, you have the dynamic of, of the kids coming into plie, um, you know, and, and them dating, you know, as, as older women, and then, you know, deciding to, to start a business with each other. And it's just, it's a really cute show. Um, each episode is about a half hour long, you know, so it, uh, you know, it doesn't take too long to go through. Um, and, and it's just nice seeing, you know, a Jane Fonda and, and, and Lily Tomlin, you know, interact and Lily Tomlin's like this total hippie, you know, chicken and Jane Fonda's, the straight laced, you know, alcoholic basically, you know, and it, and just how you know her, that's really what, you know, and, and just have the two of them are always there for each other and you know, the, the dynamic of their, their children. Uh, the one has two sons, the one has two daughters and you know, everything, you know, back and forth, but you know, between everybody and, and the family dynamic. And it's just, you know, a good comedy if you're looking for something. And again, it's been out. I started watching it I think when it was already on the fourth season. I hadn't even heard about it and just kind of found it and binged it. Um, and the new, uh, sixth season came out just a couple of months ago and now at least there's, there's one more season, you know, to go so highly recommend it. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

So my pick this week is another one that's been around for a while. Um, but, but because they came out with a new season and no one expected them to. My pick this week is star Wars, the clone Wars, a star Wars. A clone Wars was an animated television series produced and created by George Lucas debuting in 2008. The series began with a theatrical feature film which I saw in the theater on August 15th, 2008 and a butyl on cartoon network two months later set in the fictional star Wars galaxy during the three years between episode two attack of the clones and episode three revenge of the Sith. It provides backstory and character development that we're sorely lacking in the prequel trilogy films. In early 2013, Lucas film announced that the clone Wars would be winding down a 13 episode, six season debuted on Netflix as well as all the back episodes on March, uh, in March of 2014. While the show did seem to have a logical progression at progressive end, it left a lot of questions about existing characters between the end of the series and the start of episode three, revenge of the Sith. Um, we sort of left them in limbo, leaving fans wanting with the launch of Disney streaming service. Disney plus, it was also announced that the clone Wars would be brought back for a seventh and final season. That season launched on Disney plus on February 21st of this year, two episodes into the seventh season. The show has picked up where it left off the same characteristic, strong writing, complex plot lines and detailed character development are all in play. Once again, the 12 episode season would supplement the 13 of the sixth season, rounding out a full 20 plus episodes season, uh, combined and hopefully bring the story to a proper conclusion. Um, I watched the first two episodes of season seven. I did went back, I did go back and I binged the sixth season cause I hadn't watched all of that previously just to be up to speed on it. Uh, and I have to say anything. And the first two episodes were, were interesting that my concern is that they were kind of introducing more characters, that they've only got 13 episodes to sort of, you know, clear and they haven't cleared up anything yet. So I'm hoping that it winds down fairly, fairly quickly. And the remaining episodes, uh, so star Wars, the clone Wars season seven and all previous episodes are streaming now on Disney plus. And we will come back and talk about some upcoming events that we haven't beat.

Speaker 7:

Okay. What's up first? So the first thing that comes up in a couple of weeks is monster mania 45, uh, that is in cherry Hill at the crown Plaza. Uh, that is March 13th, 14th and 15th. Uh, ticket prices, uh, if you do an all day or all weekend pass, it's$60 or$25 for each day. Uh, kids 10 and under are free. Various different horror actors from, you know, various different, uh, uh, movies will be there. They usually have a bunch of different vendors selling various horror type things or even non horror, uh, toys as well. But usually if you're into horror, this is definitely the one you want to go to, you know, to find that, that unique, you know, one of a kind, you know, item, you know, that you've been looking for. Uh, then later on in the month at the end of the month is the Delaware train show on March 28th and then on March 29th is the April fool's toy show. Both are in new castle, Delaware at the new shrine, uh, center. Uh, thank you. Uh, both are$5 for admission on either day. Um, we've never gone to the train show cause we don't collect trains, but if you are into collection, but if you're into, you know, train, that would probably be a good one, uh, to go to, uh, the toy show as we've mentioned, kind of flee markety you're not gonna find anything that's, you know, brand new. Um, some things you do though. Uh, but for the most part it's older, you know, toys and like we've mentioned before, a lot of people that go there are really just going to show their stuff. They don't want to sell it. Um, but you never know. Uh, then of course we have the great Philadelphia comic con, which is April 3rd through fifth at the, uh, so excited. I'm actually kind of excited that he's there to, uh, um, yeah. And, and Jason Isaacs. So how creepy is, you know, is Hey, he really is. Um, so, uh, three-day ticket for that is about$70 or$30 for Friday, 45 for Saturday and 35 for Sunday. Uh, as of right now, it looks like they still have a bunch of guests that they have yet to announce. They also haven't listed any of the panels yet. Um, so I'm sure because of, you know, you're having the guardians of the galaxy guys there, there's probably gonna be a panel for that. There's probably going to be a doctor who panel, cause you've got a couple of, uh, doctors that are going to be there. So, uh, that'll, you know, as it comes out, we'll probably, you know, I did see that for cause play. The, uh, the adult con contest is on Saturday and the kids is on Sunday. So just saying if, you know, just so you know, and again, they'll probably have a Harry Potter and they'll have, you know, you know, Battlestar Galactica. Usually whenever they have multiple of, you know, a certain show, they usually, that's the panel that they're going to have a then the beginning of June we have pop mania one, which is back to, um, the crown Plaza in cherry Hill. Uh, same ticket prices as monster mania 30 for the whole weekend or$25 for each day and looks like they're going to have, you know, some walking dead people here. Normally the walking dead people are usually at monster mania, but maybe it was a, a timing issue. Um, so, you know, that could be what, and this is the first one that they're doing. That's the pop mania. And then of course, wizard world, June 19th through 20th. Um, what kind of stinks is last week we mentioned that the early bird tickets, uh, were$50 and the sale was going to be ending in 20 days, but 20 days went by really quickly because as of right now when you go to buy the tickets, it's regular price. They don't have uh, the early bird special like they did before. So a three day admission is$80. Friday is 40, Saturday is 55 and Sunday is 45 as of right now. Um, so that was kind of disappointing actually cause I spent too much time plugging this show. Right? Yeah. We're, we're mad at him cause we were all excited to, we were like, all right, well we'll buy a three day ticket and boom you, you said 20 days and you lied. Um, then, uh, the end of August we'll be Keystone comic con. Um, that is$30 for Friday, 45 for Saturday and 35 for Sunday or a three day pass for$80. And that was one that we actually, uh, really, really enjoyed last year. And um, wizard world and Keystone are both actually held at the Philadelphia convention center. Um, and then finally to round out the year, uh, is a retro con 2020 and that's back at the, uh, greater Philadelphia expo center and that is September 26th and 27th and that is all that is all.

Speaker 8:

So I think we're done right. Contact information. Oh yes. Contact in the event you want to contact in the event of a water landing, contact us. Uh, you can email us at comments, at insights into on Twitter at insights underscore things. You can get our videos at YouTube, but in a thing on the backslash insights into things podcast. I think that's it. I think that's it. I think you need to go take a nap. Yeah, I think I need to go take a nap now anyway. Uh, thank you for watching and listening and I think we're out. We're out. Have a good week everyone. Bye bye.

Speaker 9:
