Insights into Entertainment
Insights into Entertainment
Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 25 "San Diego Comic-Con Special"
In our first event special we take a look at the flood of news that emerged from the 50th annual San Diego Comic Con. Marvel and Disney dominated with the roll out of long awaited details on Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We see how closely tied some of what we'll be seeing in the cinema will be tied to Disney's new subscription service Disney+. Then we look at the winners and losers to emerge from the mega-pop culture phenomenon of SDCC. We also steer you in the right directly to find information on things that even this special edition podcast couldn't cover.
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Speaker 2:[inaudible]
Speaker 3:come to insights into entertainment, a podcast series, taking a deeper look into entertainment and media. Your hosts, Joseph and Michelle Waylon, a husband and wife, team of pop culture, phonetics are exploring all things from music and movies to television and fandom.
Speaker 2:[inaudible]
Speaker 4:welcome to insights into entertainment. This is episode 25, San Diego Comic Con Special. I'm your host, Joseph Waylon and my beautiful and entertaining cohost, Michelle Whalen. Hello love. So this week is a double episode week cause it feels like we did episode 24 we were just here for episode 24. Uh, we just, we had too much to, uh, to talk about for San Diego Comic Con. I had to break it into a separate episode. So without further ado, shall we get right into it shortly?
Speaker 5:Let's do it.
Speaker 6:Uh,
Speaker 4:so we have a boatload of information came out on marvel a and their face for plans. Why don't you take us into that?
Speaker 5:Sure. So, obviously I think the biggest takeaway, um, was phase four being released, but also how much, how crucial Disney plus their streaming service was actually going to play as, as part of this as well. Um, so it was last Saturday that the presentation was done and what they basically said was that the Marvel TV series would share the same worlds of the cinematic universe, but it basically made it clear that Disney plus having a subscription was really kinda going to, was going to be essential for keeping current on the different narratives of what you were going to see in the theater. Right. Um, so as an example, when Dr Strange, uh, in the multi-verse of madness hits in May of 2021, you'll see dr strange, he'll be joined by fellow Avenger, scarlet witch. But to understand how she got there, you're going to need to watch the Disney plus original won, which is going to be coming out spring of 2020. So it's kind of like, all right, well, if you want to see the movie, you need to at least watch this first or know about it to understand what, what is happening. Um, then likewise, uh, if you're gonna want to watch the new show about Loki, you're gonna need to Rewatch Avengers and game for a Blinken miss moment that explains lokeys return after his demise in infinity wars. Um, then you have falcon and the winter soldier coming, uh, another series coming, um, where they're basically taking on, um, the villain from Captain America civil war. Then of course, you have, um, Hawkeye who's going to be doing a standalone film, a, uh, a standalone series actually, which is based with his family. Um, and the saga of, of how that, uh, moves on. Um, then obviously there's the different theatrical release releases that they talked about. So you have Black Panther, you have captain Marvel Gardens, the galaxy, which are all part of the next eight films dated through 2022. Um, and then they threw in some unusual, uh, aspects. Um, so there's, um, the internals, um, which is a trippy Jack Kirby comic series about a 35,000 year old alien, uh, alien beings. So it's, you know, something kind of different that marvel hasn't done. Um, Selma hike is actually going to be the lead in that, um, first time for a Hispanic woman to be the lead of a, a marvel, uh, movie. Um, and one of the things that kind of everybody got all excited about was, um, Angelina Jolie was announced as a final member of the cast. So everybody, when she came out, uh, everybody, you know, went crazy and you know, she said how excited she was to be there. Um, and that is currently slated for, uh, 2020, uh, November. Um, so then you have, you know, again, you have the, um, the doctor strange stuff and as I think we had mentioned it before, um, that they're looking at doing it as a darker movie where it's actually going to be kind of the first horror movie from the MCU. So that's kind of kind of interesting and different. And that'll be may 20, 21. Um, then they have the Shang, she, um, and the legends of the 10 rings, which again is another on, you know, on-brand marvel offering, um, that's of the Asian, uh, character's and again, something new that,
Speaker 4:and we'll actually finally get to see the real mandarin, not the mandarin from ironman three.
Speaker 5:Right, right. So, you know, so that'll, so you have, you know, that whole thing. And then of course they did, you know, bring out their, their normal a marvel celebrities during the presentation. So Scarlett Johansson came out, obviously talking about black widow and her series, which they're saying is co is the prequel obviously. And they were saying it was Kinda gonna be like the born the Jason Bourne, uh, series of movies. It was kind of going to have that feel to it. Um, Chris Hemsworth will be returning in the fourth Thor titled Love and Thunder. Um, and Natalie Portman is going to be back playing the female version of Thor. So that got a, a big, you know, round of applause that she was going to be back.
Speaker 4:Well. And that was actually kind of surprising considering when she departed the marvel universe. Uh, she kind of left on bad terms. Uh, she had, she had basically bad mouth the company and how it was treating its talent and stuff like that. Uh, so it was kind of strange to actually see like if you're going to follow the comics, um, you have to have that character take over his store. But it was kind of interesting that they brought the actors back into play the character.
Speaker 5:Right. Cause in so many cases they bring in, you know, replacements. Right,
Speaker 4:right. And you're also going to see, um, uh, who was val, uh,
Speaker 5:uh, uh, Tessa Thompson.
Speaker 4:Yes. Who's going to take on the first LGBT character in a marvel
Speaker 5:[inaudible] series, which was a great break. Yeah. So that's really cool. Um, and then in, you know, the final thing that they kind of revealed of, of the day was that Oscar winner, Murray Hirshoff Hersha la Ali was going to be joining the family of marvel characters in the reboot of blade. Um, so that was kind of big, exciting news cause I guess they've been kind of hinting about blade being redone. Right. Um, but not really talking a whole lot of about it. Um, and then, um, the president of, of Marvel also alluded, I'm saying that because of now Disney acquiring 20th century Fox that now fantastic four and the mutans of x men are going to finally be able to join the marvel family. You know, since they've been kind of separated, you
Speaker 4:know, I heard that and I couldn't help it. One or oh great, they're gonna reboot x men again. That's basically been rebooted twice now three times. I've lost track of how many times, you know, they've rebooted fantastic. Four twice, double rebooted x-men twice. Right. And they've done, you know, offshoots of, of
Speaker 5:right with Eczema and I really don't see you having to, to reboot it. You know, it's, it's kind of, well it has its own following
Speaker 4:with aspen first-class, they rebooted it and they, and they sort of set the timeline. Yeah.
Speaker 5:Right. So that you have the younger cast versus the older, you know.
Speaker 4:But those are the ones, the trouble, they're going to have their shoes going to replace you. Jacqueline is as Walgreens. You can't, I mean, it's just, he is wolverine. Yeah. Good luck trying to replace him.
Speaker 5:Yeah. So, so it'll be interesting to say. So, you know, they, they definitely, you know, put all a lot out there. Um, you know, again, you know, it, it's, it's, it's setting the stage for Disney plus obviously, you know, it's not just gonna be, hey, we got some cool, you know, uh, shows that are going to be playing. It's now, well, if you're going to want to go see this next thing and understand what happened, you know, you're gonna that,
Speaker 4:that's the thing that concerns me is that they're placing a dependency on this, this subscription service, right. Which it's Disney and you know, they're not take advantage of it. So they, they're coming out with is what, six bucks or seven bucks, right. So it's$7 to start until the movies come out. And then there goes briefing that price up every year. And in order to, to stay in tune with the shows and the movies that you want to watch you, they're basically going to extort you into paying for the service now
Speaker 5:or are you, you don't do it and you find somebody that wrote, did a write up online or did a podcast online, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, and you know, and you do it that way and then you don't have to spend your$12 a month.
Speaker 4:There's certainly ways around it. I look at how they had the tie ins between, uh, Marvel's agents of shield and the Avengers series. Right. And the earlier seasons where you saw direct tie ins with the first Avengers movie, then you saw with, um, winter soldier with the fall of shield and stuff like that. Okay. Right. And they were done in such a way that if you didn't watch the series, the movies made sense. Right. And if you didn't watch the movies, the series had enough narrative in them so that they weren't, they stood independent. Okay.
Speaker 5:Yeah. You didn't need to watch both to[inaudible].
Speaker 4:Yeah. And it sounds like they're going to go a different direction now to generate that dependency on the, on the subscription service.
Speaker 5:So very cool. So I think we all move on to our winners and losers. All right.
Speaker 6:Uh,
Speaker 5:so who are our big winners that came out of San Diego Comic? So one of the articles that I found, um, basically, you know, there's so much that goes on at comic con that, you know, you could take a whole week just to, you know, digest it all. Um, so this was one that just kind of like had a, a short list. Um, so their top winner was the expanse, which of course, yeah, I knew that would be something, uh, that you would, uh, you would love. Um, so basically this was where, um, the experience really didn't have a presence last year at comic con cause they really didn't know what was going on with them. Now, you know, they have a new home, Amazon prime, you know, pick them up. So now there was so much stuff coming out about it. Um, the new trailer got released, which I haven't seen yet. I have to watch it. Okay. Well I didn't know if we wanted to watch it, but that's fine. We can watch it, you know, when we're done. Um, and you know, kind of gives you a little bit of a taste of, of what it's like. And obviously with the trailer, we got the release date of the new series, which is December 13th. So not that far away, um, at all. Um, and what was cool was there were other things that came out, um, but different things, you know, from the cast and the crew and you know, it kind of has a different feel to it because the previous seasons were based upon, you know, the residence of earth and Mars and the belt and, and the tensions between them. Now it's, um, you know, they're, they're on new Tara and the whole colonizing of, of that and the, the problems that, uh, that are occurring and the conflicts. So, you know, it's, it's a lot of the same but, you know, kind of different and just everybody was just so excited to be back. Um, so they were, they were definitely one of the things that a lot of people want to watch it. If you want to watch it, it's entirely up to you. I know you want to watch it. Can we have it here in the link? I think so. It's somewhere. I think this is it here. Right? Okay. Yeah, that's it. Did you see out there so hard to put into words?
Speaker 2:[inaudible] I have to deal with it together.[inaudible] oh shit.[inaudible] the sludge is going on now.
Speaker 5:I hope that answers your question.
Speaker 4:Okay. Wow. Potty mouth
Speaker 5:there. I meant to warn you. Give me a heads up on that one, but I'm sorry, I forgot. Um, but one of the interesting articles talked about how, you know, again, they're trying to stay very true to the books. Um, and then having read the books and seeing those scenes, it makes sense to you. There's a lot of things that were in the book there. That makes sense. Okay. Well that's good cause I didn't read anything, but that was one of the things that they kind of brought up, uh, during one of the panels, not saying it, but kind of alluding to it because of the whole game of Thrones thing. Now we aren't fans of game of throne, we never watched it. But from what I had heard that, you know, the, the finale and you know what was in the books and what was in the show, you know, at the end was very different. And you had fans that were very upset. So they kind of alluded, hey, is it gonna be like the books? And they said, yes, we're trying to stay as true to it. But what was interesting was the character of Bobby the Martian, she's actually not in the third book at all, but she is in the third season. And they, they wrote her in and they were saying that, you know, they obviously took liberties and, and kind of figured out how to kind of put her in as Bobby the Martian and not Barbie, uh, Bobbie, the, the marine, you know, she, she has a more humanistic quality in this season x book. That's how she's portrayed. Right. So I guess it's Kinda like a prequel to
Speaker 4:they're bringing her in earlier, but they're bringing her in, it seems like in the same context that she was in to provide. And I'm curious how she's going to interact with the crew, uh, because it's the, the book itself, um, had very clear lines of delineation with the crew because the crew wind up being geographically
Speaker 5:for the duration of the book. Okay. So I'm curious who she winds up with and how she influences that. Interesting. So, yeah, so that was definitely a top winner. Uh, another winner was a Netflix TV show called the Witcher, um, which I believe is on the game. Uh, I don't know, maybe I, uh, basically they said, uh, you know, from previews, they weren't really quite sure because, um, uh, Henry Cavill is wearing like this, this wig that makes him kind of look silly or wait, he can, I know he's in this, um, you know, but they said once they actually saw the trailer for that it looked bad ass and like it was better than they, you know, had hoped for it. Um, then it seemed like, um, horror finally was, was coming into its own as well. Cause there are two Halloween movies that are coming that, um, from the reboot of the Halloween series and they're kinda like back to back movies. So that was a big thing. Um, there was a panel, uh, that was done that focused on like special effects. So that had like a, a big following and plus you have blade coming out, which that's, you know, there's your horror movie, you know, right there. Um, then of course they were excited about, as we had mentioned with the marvel, uh, stuff, you know, the, a lot of the, um, the heavyweights are coming back and yet, you know, Natalie Portman and then you have, you know, blade and, and you know, that whole aspect was, was a very positive. And then their next thing that they were definitely seeing as a winner was star track. Um, they had a whole bunch of different star trek things coming out. And one of the coolest things that people got excited about was star Trek Picard. Um, and, and, and that, you know, when that trailer came out, it was like, you know, that was just cool and the different cameos, you know, by original cast members from Star Trek generation and, and uh, you know, and, and that, uh, error of, of star trek was just very cool. Um, and again, that's on CBS all access. So that's another, you know, we don't, and it's like, ah, now what do we do? And I won't just for Star Trek. Right. Right. Cause I totally disagree with the route that they went with. Right, exactly. But you know, so if anybody has it and you know, you're here, let us know what it is cause it looks, it looks really good. Um, and then of course, you know, there were the losers were, you know, game of Thrones. There was a bunch of stuff that I guess they had a couple of panels that they were supposed to have and things didn't go right with it. Um, then I guess watchmen
Speaker 4:then the one thing that I saw was that the, the panel that they did have, the one they didn't have was the writer's panel. And there was, there was a scheduling conflict. They did have a panel with some of the actors and they booed the actors because they were a, fans were upset over the show. And really it's not the show, it's not the actors who, who know the writers and, well, and it was the writers for reasons outside of your typical reason. It wasn't that they didn't do a good job. They, first of all, they cut the season in half because there was another project that the writers were going to work on. So they want it to get it over with. Plus they had gotten ahead of the books. They now they had worked hand in hand with, uh, uh, was a George Rr Martin is the author. Um, and they, they got a feeling from him on how things were supposed to go and they tried to, you know, keep that in the script, but they didn't have the books as a guide and they rushed through it and apparently it had the effect, you know, there were how many seasons of game of Thrones in five seasons or eight seasons or whatever leading up to this big climax was completed and two episodes of, so a lot of people felt cheated and justifiably so, but you know, with the writers didn't show up to answer for that, wound up taking their Ira out on the camp, which was unfortunate.
Speaker 5:Yeah. Um, so another was, it looked like, um, the watchman was actually supposed to be a big anticipation. Um, HBO is doing, um, uh, the HBO Max New Service. And so this was going to be a new series on it, basically hoping to pick up where game of Thrones kind of left off and that, you know, they said, well, the trailer looked great, none of the cast or the crew were there and it just kind of was like, Eh, here it is. Hope you watch it. Um, another thing that they were talking about was that, um, it was San Diego Comic Cons 50th Anniversary, but yet really not much talk about it. You know, like you would have thought, oh my God, it's the 50th we, you know, do something big and, you know, over the top. And really there wasn't anything. It was like, oh, by the way, it's our 50th anniversary type thing. Um, then there were a couple of other uh, uh, shows where, um, that, you know, are getting ready to end. Uh, one of the CW shows Arrow. Um, and they kind of had, you know, also another little eh type, you know, thing where people were like, oh, this is going to be the last season gonna kind of come out with a bang. And they kind of didn't, where on the reverse, um, agents of shield who they're currently in season seven, they're going to be doing one more season eight, but this was basically their last comic con and they kind of went out with a bang. So it's like you have, you know, one show that does it right. And then you had this other one that was just kinda like, Eh, so we can't talk comic con losers without talking. And this was definitely the most disturbing, the most disturbing, the most like people that were there were kind of like, why is this even it was so bad. It almost looked like it was a parody. Yeah, it really did. And I was kind of disappointed because a couple of days before the actual trailer dropped, they dropped a making of trailer. Um, so you got to see the different cast members being interviewed. Just quick little interview bites. You got to see the dancers performing and you got to see, you know, it was the raw footage of everything. And then you're like, oh my God, that, that looks good. You got, you know Jennifer Hudson and you got um, Taylor swift and you got this one and you got this one and oh wow, this is really gonna look cool. And you know, you didn't really see a lot of the background. You know, again it was, it was all rehearsal type stuff and I'm like okay, this is going to be cool. And then you hear that the cast is gonna be CGI kind of to look like cats and you're like[inaudible] and then the trailer drops and you come to the conclusion you're alive because you can do something technologically. Doesn't mean you should. And it's the creepiest looking thing ever. Like the sets look beautiful. I think they look now I saw cats[inaudible] 30 something years ago. Yeah. Almost 30 years ago. That was wrong way. Was one of the big questions that came out of this, is this based on the musical or is this some kind of offshoot cause they never really answered that. No, I think, I think it's based off a will. The musical itself is based off of ts Elliot's writings and it's like kind of short stories. And, you know, so it's individual, little stories kind of put together. You know, each cat kind of has a thing and some, some of the cats intertwined, some of them don't. And I didn't even, I didn't even plan it. That's how awesome I am. Um, that's our entertaining. I am. Um, so, you know, so some of the songs sounded familiar when I, you know, I saw the trailer. Um, but again, you're talking about a Broadway show that you know, only has one stage and it really didn't change the set all that much. Where here you have, you know, the cat's walking the alley and they go into some, you know, house and you know, and it was interesting because everything's to s to, you know, to scale. So the actors or the height of what cats are, so, you know, the door is, you know, much bigger and that looked really cool. But the fact that all the people are s their faces are CGI and their first, that's just like, what's the value of no Taylor? If you're going to stick CG on every top of her anger and she's not even going to be recognizable cause she was not at all recognize now. So some of the characters they were, they did look, you know, like their character. But again, you know, why not just put them in a costume? Cause that was what was good enough for Broadway. So it was just, you had to watch, you watched it just because it was a train wreck really. You know. So I'm sure people are going to go to see it because of the music of it to watch. They can't help it. Yeah, that's true too. Um, you know, but if it's something where, you know, you can't get to Broadway, you've never been able to get to Broadway and you want to see, uh, a Broadway show, Jeffery mutants on V. Yeah. Yeah. I Dunno. It was just very, very odd. And like I said, and, and like we, you know, we talked about everybody that, so it was like, why is this here? It just doesn't seem normal. So, yeah. So that was like the top highlights of,
Speaker 7:um, of,
Speaker 5:uh, the show overall. Um, then another length that we'll, we'll obviously share was, um, it was the handy-dandy list of everything in one place. Um, and it was links, you know, I had it broken down, um, by television. Um, and again, it talked about, you know, agents of shield like we just said, and how, um, you know, they had an emotional panel, you know, basically, you know, they knew the end was, was near, you know, that they were only doing one more season afterwards, you know, so they had a couple of different stories about that. Um, then it talked about, you know, um, some things that, you know, were in as positive where, you know, like the new bat woman, you know, they're not really, that didn't really seem to have a, have very positive feel to it yet. They're kind of like, Eh, it was kinda mediocre. Um, and then obviously, uh,
Speaker 4:and I think the thing with the bat, the whole thing with bat one, which is unfortunate, was so much emphasis was put on, you know, her, her gender identity. And in her sexual preference that it's completely overshadowed anything else with the show at this point?
Speaker 5:It didn't need to be. It could have just been, you know, like let the show happen and then have it, you know, show off and show up in the show and like let it, let it come a part of, let it be, you know, show me how it's relevant in the course of the storytelling. Right. Um, you know, so they had that. Then obviously, you know, marvel with Disney plus, uh, then they had, you know, the flash with season six, then you had, um, uh, justice league or young justice coming out. So you had, you know, some animated, uh, information, then super girl changes coming with new cast for their fifth season. Um, then they had a whole section of just the science fiction and fantasy. So a whole bunch of different things popping up on the expanse. Um, cause again, everybody was just so excited about that and things about West Westworld. Um, then, uh, the Witcher, like we had talked about, um, dark crystal age of the resistance, which will be coming, uh, to Netflix. Uh, from the Jim Henson Company. So there were a bunch of different things, um, about that. Then we had a, again, there were a couple of different things you know, about game of Thrones and what happened or didn't happen that should have happened at comic con. Um, preacher, uh, another, uh, they had the trailer for that which is going to be in its final season as well. Then again, whole bunch of star track, uh, stuff that came out between the Picard, trailer and then some other little shorts that they're going to do. Um, the new trailer for, um, walking dead was premiered also. And you know, where, how that's going to kind of change, uh, the new season
Speaker 4:there. Talk about the a Rick Grimes,
Speaker 5:right? The movie, excuse me, the new movie. Um, and, and what direction, you know, that was taking obviously what we talked about, uh, in our earlier podcasts about the moving to Hulu. So, uh, you know, they talk about, uh, that here, uh, dark crystal. Um, did I say dark crystal before? I did because again, they, they kind of list like, so all of everything and anything, all of the summary is hosted. Yeah.
Speaker 4:Up on Gizmodo. So we'll have the link in the show notes and in the credits for the show here. So if you're interested in digging into more detail on any of that stuff, we'll make that information available. Okay. And I think that was all we had, which again was another 30 minutes of content, which I'm glad we didn't try and frame into the last five day I told Ya. Uh, so we'll be back next week with our regularly scheduled podcast. Uh, you can check this one out and episode 24 both should be going live Monday at eight. We'll be streaming, streaming them on twitch tomorrow night. Um, check it out on the Uh, where can they hit us on Facebook,
Speaker 5:a backslash, uh, insights into things, podcasts.
Speaker 4:And you can get the audio and I think that's everything that is it. Another one in the books. Alrighty. Thanks a lot. We'll talk to everyone next week. Have a good one. Bye Bye.
Speaker 2:[inaudible].